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Setup LakeSoul Meta DB

LakeSoul use lakesoul_home (case insensitive) environment variable or lakesoul_home JVM property (case sensitive) to locate config file. The config file consists of required LakeSoul configs such as Postgres's connection info. An example property file is like the following:

Change the connection url, username and password according to your deployment.

If the property file cannot be read, LAKESOUL_PG_DRIVER, LAKESOUL_PG_URL, LAKESOUL_PG_USERNAME and LAKESOUL_PG_PASSWORD environment variables will be used to set corresponding values.


Version 2.0.1 and before only supports lakesoul_home env (in lower case) to locate the property file.


Since 2.1.0, the Spark and Flink jars already include all their dependencies via maven shade plugin. And the PG driver class name should become And before 2.0.1 (included), the driver class name was org.postgresql.Driver.

Then create LakeSoul meta tables:

PGPASSWORD=lakesoul_test psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U lakesoul_test -f script/meta_init.sql

meta_init.sql is located under script dir in the source code.